
11074263_402631616606265_1660760150_n Thanks for chatting with us mate so when & what made you decide that art in its many forms was something that you wanted to do? RS75 – i have always had a passion for art from when a kid at boarding school ( and before anyone says OOOOOoooo posh kid was a boarding school for special needs couldn’t settle into main stream school ) i used to do a lot of country scenes as school was in middle of nowhere and it wasn’t until i had a day trip to Chichester and it was raining so popped into library to get out of rain that’s where i came across a book called spray can art Book by Henry Chalfant which most probably is in every graffers book shelf and i started to draw from this book which progressed from there. 11139927_402631579939602_180524312_n So what made you want to take you work to the streets? RS75 -i started to take it to the streets when younger as my parents got fed up with me painting the side of the garage and the roof of the shed ( lived on flight path for Sussex helicopter about 1/4 mile away painted big two finger sign on roof of garage so they saw it every time they flew past ) and then came along women booze etc. ….( and kids ) so became a parent and settled down wasn’t till i hooked up with a old school buddy he was still writing well doing outlines so he got me back into it so most nights we meet up shoot some hoops with few cans of cider and few cans of paint and paint the walls. wasn’t long after that i decided to try my hand at stencils yeah i admit first few where just print and cut out black bits but after meeting few people and becoming friends there been pushing me and helping and now mixing it up ( ie 3 images into one etc…..) plus could express myself more with stencils ( plus i always hated doing the letter L free hand is only some many ways you can do it ) How much time do you spend on making your artworks? RS75-some people say i spend to much time i say not enough time but im always thinking of projects and got bits of paper with ideas on all over the place think all artists are always thinking of ideas and projects etc…… Do you like collaborating with other artists and have you got any collaborations planned? RS75-good question guess i have to feel comfortable with another artists style for a colab ie…. i see some piece a artist has done and think yeah my piece would go well that have done four colabs no so far one was with diff &the agent where we used the AT-AT with banksy balloon girl and made it look like she was taking it for a walk and the other was a world war 1 piece with shadow of solider and 100 poppies around it saying least we forget and that was with John doh The Agent Angus diff and have done a big wall in hanbury street brick lane with angus jipcrem hmmm bates and adithat and a bob marley vinyl with crip crem plus have a colab coming up with Dee-one 10836522_402631556606271_954174791_n What most annoys you with today’s scene? RS75-the invisible barrier that divides stencil artists ( street artists) with free handers ( graffers ) for example if i put a stencil up in my home town i can safely say it will be gone within 2 hours or it will be defaced with penises and writing banksy wanker fuck off home ( to which i replied who’s drawing cocks and who’s in art shows around the world ) so have now vowed to never paint in home town ( piece last longer in London and Bristol than in Swindon ) 11158127_402631583272935_476607969_n What’s your plans for the rest of the year ahead? RS75-well this year has been bit of a whirlwind so far Ive set some personal goals this year and have achieved them all and its only April im at upfest this year plus kidderminster hopefully be at tamworth plus have new images for the summer which i think will take me to the next level and hopefully make name for self as the feed back from people has been amazing same as the support been getting and advise from all corners of the art world ( artists gallery’s etc…. been giving great feedback ) RS75

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